Prevention of Primary Cesarean
In 2014, ACOG and SMFM published a consensus document on the Safe Prevention of Primary Cesarean Delivery. NPQIC facilitated the dissemination of this information throughout the state and has supported the implementation of the recommendations. Cesarean delivery rates for first-time mothers in critical access hospitals improved from 28% in 2018 to 22% in 2021. Results for 2023 show an increase in the percent of NTSV (nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex) cesarean deliveries at critical access hospitals in Nebraska to 26.9%. Overall, the state rate remained steady at 23.4%. The Healthy People 2030 target for this objective is 23.6%.
Go to our interactive dashboard to examine Nebraska's NTSV rates in more detail.

Project Resources
ACOG and SMFM Obstetric Care Consensus: Safe Prevention of Primary Cesarean Delivery (Reaffirmed 2019)
Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery: Summary of a Joint NICHD, SMFM, and ACOG Workshop (2012)
CMQCC. Toolkit to Support Vaginal Birth and Reduce Primary Cesareans
AIM: Safe Reduction of Primary Cesarean, Patient Safety Bundle
ACOG Committee Opinion #766: Approaches to Limit Intervention During Labor and Birth (2019)